CT Challenge Rides FAQs
Have questions? We've got answers.
When is the 2025 Ride?
The CT Challenge is a virtual ride during the month of July.
* Teams/families of four or more members may share funds by having their team captain contact us at info@ctchallenge.org by October 8th, one week prior to the fundraising deadline.
If a rider has not raised his/her minimum amount by October 15th, the balance of the minimum will automatically be charged to the credit card provided at registration.
Will I be charged for my fundraising minimum when I register?
No. You are charged only your registration fee when you register. You have until October 15th to raise your required fundraising minimum. After that date, any balance remaining will be automatically charged to the credit card that you provide at registration.
What is my personal fundraising page? How do I find it?
When you register for the ride, you automatically receive a personal fundraising page. You will see generic pictures and text appear. We encourage you to share your story–why you are riding and/or for whom–in your own words with your photos and/or videos. When you reach out to friends and family for donations, you direct them to your page by attaching a link to an email where they can make a donation. People who personalize their fundraising page typically raise 2x or more than people who do not. You access your page by clicking on “Login” in the top right of https://bike.ctchallenge.org and using the username and password you established during registration.
I’ve registered, but can’t figure out how to edit my profile.
To edit your profile (e.g., to change your username or password, email, phone #, etc.), sign on by clicking on “Login” in the top right corner of https://bike.ctchallenge.org. Enter the username and password you established when you registered. This will take you to your personal fundraising page. Next, click on the “Fundraising” tab on the left side of your screen. You can edit your profile through this link. If you have any problems, contact us at info@ctchallenge.org.
How do I change my personal information or my username and password?
You cannot change your username. You can change your password and update your personal information by logging on to your personal fundraising page. (Log in by clicking on “Login” in the top right corner of https://bike.ctchallenge.org.) Next, click “Profile” which you will see on the left side of your screen. Three links will appear beneath “Profile.” Click the desired action.
I want to ride but I am not sure I can raise the required minimum. What should I do?
Experience has shown that riders who put a good effort into their fundraising can raise their minimum easily. Rarely, if ever, has a rider made a serious attempt to meet the fundraising minimum and failed. In fact, most riders exceed their minimum by a meaningful margin. Take advantage of the fundraising toolkit on the website. Most importantly, start early and don’t be shy about asking for money. You are supporting game-changing programs and services for cancer survivors, a very worthy cause. Whether you’re having trouble getting started or need to re-engage in your campaign, we are here to help you meet, or exceed, your minimum. Simply send us an email at info@ctchallenge.org. Please be specific about what’s tripping you up so we can give you the best advice.
Returning Riders:
If you register for the CT Challenge Ride with the same email as in prior years, all your donor contacts and fundraising results will be available to you. If you have a new email address or need assistance retrieving donor history, please contact us at: info@ctchallenge.org
I’m having trouble uploading my picture. What is wrong?
Your picture must be either in JPG or PNG format. The website should automatically resize your photo if it is too large. If you still have questions, you can email info@ctchallenge.org.
How do I change my Fundraising Goal?
Log on to your personal fundraising page by clicking on “Login” in the top right corner of https://bike.ctchallenge.org. Next, click on “Fundraising” on the left side of your screen. Three links will appear beneath “Fundraising.” Click on “Manage Sponsors.” You will see “Fundraising Goal” in the table that appears in the middle of your screen. Click on the “change” link to the right of your current goal. Remember that your fundraising goal cannot be set lower than the minimum required for the ride distance you selected.
Am I obligated to raise the amount I set as my Fundraising Goal?
No. The Fundraising Goal is your target, not an obligation. Set it high to motivate you and your donors, but you are obligated to raise only the required minimum for the distance you registered to ride. You may raise or lower your goal anytime you wish, though you may not set it lower than your required minimum. Most riders exceed their fundraising minimums. The average rider raises more than $750. You can do it too!
If I register to ride one distance, can I later change my mind and ride a different distance?
Yes. You can increase or decrease your ride distance at any time before the start of the ride on July 27th. Please email info@ctchallenge.org as soon as you can to change your registration to a different distance. The change will not be considered complete until you receive an email reply from CT Challenge.
How do I join a team?
At the beginning of the rider registration process, select from one of these options that appear on your screen:
- Join a Team
- Create a Team
We encourage all riders to join or create a team. Teams enjoy training and fundraising together, have more fun on the day of the ride and raise more money. A “Team” is four or more riders.
Can I form a team or join a team later, after I’ve registered to ride as an individual?
Yes. Contact the CT Challenge at info@ctchallenge.org.
What is a Road Warrior?
Anyone who has maintained at least $3,000 in his/her fundraising account as of the October 15th fundraising deadline is a Road Warrior. Road Warriors receive special recognition for their incredible accomplishment.
To register to ride as a Road Warrior, click here.
How do I make a donation?
You can make a donation by credit card or check by visiting the rider(s) or team page of the individual(s) you want to support. You may also make a general donation by clicking here: Donate. When you make your donation, you will also see that you can opt to cover the credit card and vendor processing fees to maximize the amount of support we are able to capture for the mission.
How do I make a donation by check?
If you would like to make a donation by check, please print, complete and include a Donor Form. Please make the check payable to “CT Challenge” and mail it to CT Challenge, P.O. Box 566, Southport, CT 06890. Be sure to include the name or team to which you are donating in the memo line of the check as well, particularly if you cannot access the donor form. Please note the above address accepts USPS mail only. If you do not want to send a check via the USPS, we do accept mail at: CT Challenge 1771 Post Rd East #316 Westport, CT 06880.
Will I receive a receipt for my donation?
All donors who provide their email address will receive a donation receipt via email that can be used for tax purposes. The CT Challenge does not share its email list with outside organizations. All donors who contribute $250 or more by check will receive a written acknowledgement of the donation from the CT Challenge by year end. This can act as a receipt for tax purposes. Donors who give an amount by check that is less than $250 should keep their canceled check as their receipt.
Can I go back and change the amount of my donation?
No. You cannot change the amount of a previous donation. You can make another, separate donation.
I made a donation to the wrong rider. Can I change it?
Contact us at info@ctchallenge.org and we can direct your donation to the correct rider.
Can I make a donation to my own ride?
Yes. When you register, you can make an initial donation to your ride to jump-start your fundraising efforts. You can also make additional donations to your ride at later dates by simply visiting your own fundraising page.
How can I see how much a rider has raised to date?
Click on “Find a Rider” which you will see at the top right of your screen at bike.ctchallenge.org. Follow the prompts to find the rider in which you are interested. Click on their name to go to their donation page. Their current fundraising results will be displayed there.
Can I make a donation in honor or memory of someone?
Yes. Before you submit your donation for processing you will have the option to dedicate your donation In Memory, In Honor or In Support of someone.
Can I change the dedication for my donation?
You cannot change your dedication after you have submitted your donation for processing. Contact us at info@ctchallenge.org and we will change your dedication for you. Please include the following information: Rider name, donor name, date of donation and desired dedication name.
Why do you ask for so much donor information?
The data we collect is necessary to create accurate donor records and provide appropriate tax acknowledgement information. If you have any questions about the information that is being collected, please contact CT Challenge at info@ctchallenge.org.
How does CT Challenge handle tax acknowledgement receipts for cash donations?
If you would like a tax acknowledgment receipt, it is always best to make your donation by credit card or check. CT Challenge can issue tax acknowledgement receipts for cash donations only if they are brought directly to the CT Challenge office by the actual donor. Please do not send cash through the mail. If you are a Rider who has received a cash donation, there are two options for applying the cash donation to your ride: 1) Keep the cash and make an online credit card donation to yourself for the same amount. Please note, however, that if you use this option, you will become the official donor and you will receive a tax acknowledgement receipt at the email address that you provide. Please do not substitute the cash donor’s name or address for your own when you make the credit card donation on your card. 2) You may bring the cash donation to our office. In this scenario, CT Challenge cannot issue a tax acknowledgement receipt to the cash donor who is not present, but you can pick up a blank cash donation receipt that you can provide to your donor to fill out for his/her own record keeping. Please note, CT Challenge will not complete this receipt form for you as it must be completed by the donor.
Can I change how my donation or name shows up in the Honor Roll? Can I have my name and donation amount removed from the Honor Roll altogether?
Yes to both questions. Please contact the CT Challenge at info@ctchallenge.org with your desired change.
Is my donation tax deductible and if so, when will I receive a tax receipt?
All donations are 100% tax deductible in the United States. For foreign donors, please refer to your local tax laws to determine if your donation to CT Challenge is tax deductible. All donors who provide their email address will receive a donation receipt via email that can be used for tax purposes. The CT Challenge does not share its email list with outside organizations. All donors who contribute $250 or more by check will receive a written acknowledgement of the donation from the CT Challenge by year end. This can act as a receipt for tax purposes. Donors who give less than $250 by check should keep their canceled check as their receipt.
Is CT Challenge a 501(c)(3)?
Yes, CT Challenge is a 501(c)(3). The Federal Tax ID is #20-2777748. Click here to download a pdf of our IRS Affirmation Letter
Does CT Challenge accept matching gift donations and if so, how do I apply?
Yes, CT Challenge accepts matching gifts. In order to apply for a matching gift, you will need to follow the process required by the individual company to which you are applying for the matching gift. Usually, you will be required to start the process using an online portal or paper forms that can be obtained from your HR or charitable giving office. Send completed matching gift forms to CT Challenge, PO Box 566 Southport, CT 06890 or email them to info@ctchallenge.org. To check whether or not your company participates in a matching gift program, click here.
What is a Matching Gift Donation?
Many companies will match donations made by their employees to qualifying organizations. After making your donation online or by check, you should mail or e-mail your company’s matching gift form to CT Challenge. We will take care of the rest. When the matching gift check arrives, the amount will be credited to the Rider you designated for your original donation. Matching gift programs are a simple way for donors to double the impact of their donation. You can view more information on the Matching Gifts page of our website under the “Donate” tab.
How do I know if my company has a matching gift program?
Visit Matching Gifts to determine if your company has a matching gift program.
How long will it take for a matching gift to be processed?
CT Challenge processes all matching gift requests as soon as they are received. Companies issue matching gift checks to CT Challenge on varying schedules so it may take weeks or even months for a matching gift to show up in a rider’s fundraising account.
How do I identify CT Challenge as the entity to which a matching gift should be sent?
Your company will require this information when you apply for the matching gift. All other information for the application, such as the CT Challenge EIN, can be found at Matching Gifts
Can I make a stock donation?
Yes. Click here for all the information you will need to make a stock donation to CT Challenge.
How do I fundraise?
CT Challenge provides many great tools to help you reach and surpass your minimum fundraising commitment. When you register, you automatically receive your own fundraising webpage, which you can customize with pictures and your message about why you are riding. Riders who personalize their fundraising webpage raise significantly more than those who do not. Click here for our fundraising toolkit.
How can people make an online donation to my ride?
When you register, you automatically receive a personal fundraising web page on the CT Challenge website. You can give people a link directly to your personal page where they can read about your ride and make a secure donation with a credit card. People can also get to your personal fundraising page by visiting and clicking on Rider Search. You may also include links to your fundraising page through your Facebook page and other social media platforms you use.
Can I use CT Challenge marketing materials for my personal fundraising efforts?
Yes, you are able to use CT Challenge logos for your personal fundraising efforts. Please send any final designs that use CT Challenge assets to info@ctchallenge.org for approval before publication or production. Please click here to access the CT Challenge fundraising toolkit.
How do I find who donated to me in previous years?
If you would like a list of your donors from prior years and do not see a way to access this information in your fundraising dashboard, please contact info@ctchallenge.org and we will send it to you.
What do I do if a donor hands me a check?
Please mail the check to CT Challenge, P.O. Box 566, Southport, CT 06890. Please print, complete and include a Donor Form. If they did not give you a Donor Form, please include your name and team name (if applicable). If the donor made the check out to your name, you are able to sign the check over to CT Challenge prior to mailing it in by endorsing the check and writing “Pay to the order of CT Challenge” beneath your signature in the endorsement area on the back of the check.
Is CT Challenge a 501(c)(3)?
Yes, CT Challenge is a 501(c)(3). The Federal Tax ID is #20-2777748. Click here to download a pdf of our IRS Affirmation Letter
Does CT Challenge accept matching gift donations and if so, how do I apply?
Yes, CT Challenge accepts matching gifts. In order to apply for a matching gift, you will need to follow the process required by the individual company to which you are applying for the matching gift. Usually, you will be required to start the process using an online portal or paper forms that can be obtained from your HR or charitable giving office. Send completed matching gift forms to CT Challenge, PO Box 566, Southport, CT 06890 or email them to info@ctchallenge.org. To check whether or not your company participates in a matching gift program, click here.
What is a Matching Gift Donation?
Many companies will match donations made by their employees to qualifying organizations. After making your donation online or by check, you should mail or e-mail your company’s matching gift form to CT Challenge. We will take care of the rest. When the matching gift check arrives, the amount will be credited to the Rider you designated for your original donation. Matching gift programs are a simple way for donors to double the impact of their donation. You can view more information on the matching gifts. page of our website under the “Donate” tab.
Who creates the team?
Each team selects a team captain who will create the team. The team can be created when the captain registers or at any later time on the captain’s personal web page. Team members should each register individually as a part of their team.
What are the routes?
There are no set routes for virtual riders, but you may refer to the courses we have used in the past. Please visit the Course Maps page for detailed route information. Any changes to the routes will be updated there.
What is the difference between registering as an individual, creating a team or joining a team?
Create a Team: If you want to be a team captain and haven’t already registered, you can register as a rider and sign up your team at the same time.
Join a Team: If you know the name of the team you want to join and haven’t already registered, you can sign up as a team member and register as a rider at the same time.
Join as an Individual: If you want to register as an individual rider, click here. If you decide later to form or join a team, you can easily do so by contacting us at info@ctchallenge.org
How do I create a Team?
If you want to be a team captain and haven’t already registered, you can register as a rider and sign up your team at the same time. If you have already registered as an individual rider and decide later to form a team, you can easily do so by contacting us at info@ctchallenge.org.
How many people do you need to form a team?
A team consists of four or more riders. Teams may share funds by having their team captain contact us at info@ctchallenge.org by October 8th. If a rider has not raised his/her minimum amount by October 15th, the balance of the minimum will automatically be charged to the credit card provided at registration.
Can I form a team later, after I’ve registered to ride as an individual?
Yes. Contact us at info@ctchallenge.org.
Can I change the name of my Team?
Yes, the Team Captain can change the name of your team by contacting CT Challenge at info@ctchallenge.org.
What is the CT Challenge and CT Century Ride?
The CT Challenge is an annual grassroots charity bike tour that is committed to funding programs for cancer survivors through a one-of-a-kind weekend cycling experience. It is also home to one of the best CT Century Rides, a 100 mile bike ride through beautiful Connecticut.
Who can I contact at the CT Challenge with more questions?
Please visit our contact form page here to get in touch with us.